29 December, 2009

Invitation , Let have some fun there !!!!!!!!

Let have some fun B4 back to school !!!!!!!!!!!


邀请大家 3.1.2010 (星期日) 2pm, 一起来到BREM MALL,Kepong见证我们
-SERENE MUSIC- Contemporary Music Academy的成长。

当 天除了有Studio Singer歌唱比赛,还有学生表演。 此外,我们将发布学生的

更多详情:www.serenemusic.net 016-3350416/012-6515218
*馬來西亞第一所培訓獨立音樂 唱作人的音樂學院

17 December, 2009

28 things in my room with photo !!!!!!!!!

I have found out 28 things in my room ,
very fun but some cannot show out .....
Haha !!!!!! All the stuff are so lame
but I really boring since holiday started
so I have some fun with all my stuff .....

1)When I was still kid , I think this will be 8 or
9 years old ........

2)The best album of the year = Paramore <>
I like Paramore a lot , I hope I can watch their live one day ...

3)My favorite bag ever , I brought this at 1u ......
I still finding the same bag cause I really want to
get the same bag once cause I like Black and White

4)我的美丽日记mask ...........I like it !!!!!

5) MISTER potato chips ...... My favorite chips !!!!!

6) COOL and BANG magazines ........ I often buy this
two magazines ....... It really cool their style .....
If boy u r fashion , u should have a look .....

7)The best entertainment machines yet
IPOD TOUCH 32GB .............
He is my best friend when I'm outside .......

8)My present for my birthday , LG touch screen player ......
It has two big and solid speaker build in , it can boost
ur bass too ...... The sound quality is high ........
It support a lot of format and it won the best product 2007-2008 .....

9)My electric guitar ........ This is not a good one but
I just use this to do a lot of demo song ...........
I practice often too ...............

10) I was so lucky to have this workstation on my room
cause this is the most expensive stuff in my room even
it can buy the whole stuff of my room ..........
This workstation use in a lot of concert , I often use the
sound from this workstation to do demo ..........

11) Gastby moving rubber ...........Pink is for short hair !!!!!

12) What this ???????????????
Oh this is a tissue box but only
for toilet paper .............I brought this
cause it look fun ..........Normally this
put in toilet cause the tissue won wet when
kena water ............

13) My Behringer compressor ...... I use often
on vocal recording and compressor it
and maybe guitar too ...................

14)My birthday present when I was kid .....
I play this car everyday when I small but
now ........HAHAHA !!!!!!!!

15)This is my class T-shirt like every class
will have their own T-shirt at form 5 that time ...
The 5N words are fill in by all our classmate name .
THX to CK to designed this T-shirt and 5N too .....
Always in my heart !!!!!!!!!!

16)I use my 1 T-shirt to draw it when
I very very boring that time ......
The person who included were my maid ,
my sister , my brother , and myself ..........
This was long long time ago ............

17)My big black and white pillow and bowl .....

18)I still keep it 4N , I very happy with this things ........THX
Inside got many classmate wish ........

19)Last time I learn magic myself , I brought all this
trick cards ........ I still remember some .HAHA!!!!

20)My birthday present from my sister ...........
It is a electric guitar necklace ............

21)Initial D movie collection book .............

22)Waterproof keyboard ..........
I hate this thing so much cause it really
useless , the key is hard like shit ........

23)My lovely place , I spent a lot of time on here ......

24)My first guitar when I start learn music ...............
this guitar already 4 or 5 years , almost broken .....
But I still use it everyday and all my song mostly
composed by this old guitar ..... I will continue use it ....

25)Pop filter .......... it can reduce the pop sound for
ur vocal during recording ..............

26)KUSTOM amplifier ........... I always jam myself
at room by this amplifier .......... ROCK !!!!!!

27)My hair spray ..........

28)Signature Album .............
All is last time crazy life but now
did not go any concert around a year ........



Vanness & KangTA

Will Pan


Cool Man !!!!!!!!!!
I shared my room stuff .............
I know very lame but i really boring ,
hope enjoy it .............

Many question about me and I already answer it !!!!!!!

I saw this question on Applist blog
and I'm the one who kena to fill
in all the question too .......
Wohoho very fun !!!!!!!!

01 你叫什么: Jason CPK ( 随便放 )
02 你的綽號: X
03 你的血型: X
04 你的星座: 处女 Shy
05 你是男還是女: I'm pure boy
06 你幾歲: 19
07 你住哪裡: KL
08 你現在的學校: OIAT
09 你有沒有手機: 有 (人生第二部)

11 你最要好的朋友(限1個): 可以为我而死的(Joking )
12 你最討厭的人(限1個): 做伤天害人事的人 ..去死 !!

21 你有沒有喜欢的人: 没有是骗人的 ......
22 到目前為止,有跟别人告白吗?: X
23 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過: X ....
24 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友: Maybe 1 only cause I very shy person
25 現在有另一半吗: I'm single but not available 不想有因为我要努力奋斗 前途先 ......
( 因为恋爱要付出时间而我缺少的是时间 )

26 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你会怎样: 常常发生,习惯就好!!!!
27 你初恋情人突然跟你告白你会接受吗: 不会因为还没了解她 ......
28 你为什么会喜欢你現在喜欢的人: 可能眼睛吧!!我会看另一半眼睛先 ....
29 你和另一半牵手过吗: Hehehehe
31 你跟异性牵手过吗: 太常发生了因为都是Buddy..... YO !
34 是谁,你们什么关系?: Yo We r buddy !!!!
35 现在有人在追你吗?: 不渴望 , 顺其自然 ...

36 如果有天,好朋友离你而去,你会: 坚强的陪他走完最后一程
37 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你会: 顺其自然 ....
38 如果有天,好朋友对你喜新厌旧,你会: 顺其自然 .....
39 如果你很受不了你的父母,你会離家出走吗: 打死不会,父母只有一个 !!
40 你上课認真吗: College better than in school .....
41 你功課好不好: Not Bad cause I really interest it .......
42 你开电脑都在干嘛: Play Media player first B4 do other things !!!
43 你的即时通有多少个同性: 比异性多 ...
44 你的即時通裡有多少個異性: 比同性少 ......

45 传給你这份问卷的人是谁: 5n class 两个女生的其中一个 .....
46 这個人對你好不好: 好 cause we are friend forever ...
47 這個人是你的誰: 中学朋友 ...
48 你有喜欢过這個人吗: 只是朋友 ......
49 你们认识多久了: 从中学Form 4 ......
50 這個人是怎样的人: 很喜欢潘玮柏的一个女生~~~~
51 这个人正/帥吗: 每个人都是那么正和帥 , 有自己的风格 .....
52 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过: 没有因为就是朋友而已 ....
53 万一你喜欢這個人,你会怎么办: X

54 說到正妹你会想到谁: 我比较喜欢静静coolcoold的女生 (EX:HEBE from S.H.E)
55 說到帥哥你会想到谁: Maybe吴彦祖 , He really cool man !!!
56 說到憨你会想到谁: don no
57 說到痴你会想到谁: 不想有因为我要自由 ...
58 說到暗恋你会想到谁: 不喜欢暗恋的感觉因为很不好受,所以干脆放弃....
59 說到出去玩你会想到谁: So many man ........
60 說到聪明鬼你会想到谁: Ck , Jia Ming , My dad ........ HAHA
61 說到傻子你会想到谁: 不想说别人傻 ......
62 說到笑点低你会想到谁: Joeline ( My college Girl ) everyday laugh
even not funny the word cause I like to imitate
her funny action .....
63 說到愛笑你会想到谁: Joeline again , U r the champion !!!!

64 你的班导是谁: 中学是Mr.Ellan , He is the funny man !!!
65 你的座位是第几排第几个: Anywhere只要我学到东西 ...
66 你最喜欢的老師是谁: Mr.Ellan , Deborah Gan , Bobo , Sharizal ,
Mr.Amin , 可恩 , Cody foong , Slyvester ,
Serene , Mr. Jeffrey , Mr.Iskandar , Mr.Yati
And Myself cause I work hard on it !!!!
( There all help me a lot in my life . THX )
67 你的英文好吗: Yo !! I'm learning ....Haha
68 你的体育好吗: 我的体育细胞不发达.......T.T
69 你的数学好么: 还好 ... Kosy the best !!!
70 你喜不喜欢你的校长: 喜欢college的 .....
71 你的学校好看吗: 普通而已但我要的是知识 ...... I don care !!!
I hate noisy place , I like the environment of
my college cause is really peaceful but bot really
nice like other college .....

72 你的班級是: 没有固定
73 你的班級在几楼: 没有固定
74 填后感: 这些问题还好不难答 .........

2 請老实的回答每一個问題
3 不行擅自塗改題目
4 写完请点5位朋友,不可不点
5 点完后请通知那些朋友他们被点到了COPY 题目到你的BLOG慢慢填吧。

这5位朋友请添吧 !!!!!!!!!!
1.Eunice Phuah
2.Deborah Gan
3.Lee Kah Kar
5.Kenn Loo

10 December, 2009

I will fight until the end !!!!!!!!

Finally I have finish this sem ,
just feel like time pass so fast and
learn so little things .........
All the assignment I not really did
my best just like happy go lucky ...
The first problem is time , all the
assignment was given short time
to finish it and really not enough time .
Second problem maybe was lecturer
always absent and skip so many class ,
I don even got mid-term exam on
a few subject cause the lecturer always
absent , I hope next sem won be the same
happened to it ...............
But this year was my best year since I
start on music cause finally I had change to
share my profile on serene music there .
Once again check that out on 3/1/2010 at
Brem Mall at kepong ....................
The most worst part of this sem maybe was
the final assignment for 24 track fundamental
cause my group really record a damn suck drum .
I can't imagine the drum sound like shit , u can't
EQ it even using the most powerful software
in the world cause really suck and suck ............
Finally I hope during this holiday I will concentrate
more on my arranging cause next year i have a
project work with Serene music there ..............
Thanks them always trust me and give me chances
to do it , I promise i will do my best on it ............
I miss so many thing this sem but sometimes u
want to look forward rather than think of it cause
it won be come back again . Maybe I will miss
my lecturer cause he not going to teach in college
anymore cause he will continue his master program
in Boston next year . He is a good jazz , blues , bossa
performer and he play percussion very well too ......
Last time i don no wat is jazz , blues , bossa but
after 3 sem with him , slowly i get all the principal
of this three genre and I improved a lot on my
ear training just because of he , he test us every class
but my ear training still a bit suck .... HAHA
I really miss so much this sem beside my lecturer ,
anyway I thanks all of them who help me during
this exam when I face problem ......................
THX all my friend and lecturer and my parents too cause
they really support me so much ..................
I choose to study music cause I love music !!!!!!!!!
I will fight until the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

27 November, 2009

80% copy !!!!!!!!!!

I realize that the new Evan Yo song
call <Hey !> got 80% copy Chris
Brown song call <With you> ..........
The chorus part is the most clearly part ,
and the arrangement of the song also
very similar to it ..............
Let check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!

Evan Yo

Chris Brown

How do u think ?

26 November, 2009

DAmn Pressure !!!!!!!!!!!

Damn a lot of stuff to do recently......
Firstly busy for my college assignment
The most hardest to do is 24 track fundamental
assignment , need to record the whole song again
live instrument like guitar , bass , drum and vocal .
Lucky this assignment is group assignment if not
I will crazy . The dateline for hand up is next week
Friday but haven finish record , mixing , effect process .
Today rec the drum only make me crazy but
from that I learn a lot during this time .

Beside this still a lot subject coming up for
exam like solfege , traditional harmonic Orchestral ,
and the F*** music history damn a lot need to
study , the book is even more page then the
Telekom Malaysia Book ......... SHIT
hopefully I can do it . I trust myself !!!!!

See this music history book !!!!!!!!!
Lucky this is the last Sem take this subject .
And some more need to exam listening in
music history , need to listen all the classical
song and say out wat is the name of the song .
All the name damn long like wat
MOZART , Symphony No.40 in Gminor and
write out the characteristic of the song too .

Besides my college stuff , there is also
Serene music work need to do it ........
Like rearrange the song and compose a
new age or world music style song !!!!!!!

Anyway I will do it as perfect as I can !!!!
Remember check that out my song on 3/1/10 on
Brem Mall , I can't wait til that day when the
intro music start on that stage !!!!!!!!!!

Note to Deborah : Please don punch me if I can't
finish the assignment u gave me
on the DEC 8 , cause I really want
to get a good result in my college .
I will do it after my exam but I will
as usual . HAHA

23 November, 2009

Check that out on 3/1/2010 !!!!!!!!

Finally I was given chance to publish
my own compose song on Serene music
1 year anniversary day on 3/1/2010 ......
This song will record into the album
for the ringtone album , I was so excited
with this change they give me this time
and I want to done it as perfect as I can .
The album will include many nice ringtone
and one bonus track that is my compose song
call <奔> ........
This song actually I composed long time ago ,
I still remember that when I composed this
song I was watching Tv with playing guitar .
Suddenly I have that idea come out and I
was so happy with this nice melody (maybe) then
I terus run back to my room and start sequencing
with this song and left the Tv open cause
I don 1 miss out this melody ......
I was the composer for this song and
arranger for this song but I really need to
Thx my teacher Deborah she help me alot
in this song , after she rearrange the song ,
the song even nicer and I really like it .....
Anyway u can get the cd at BREM mall on 3/1/10 ...
Beside that I want to thx my friend
Wong Li Ting she help me for wrote the song
lyric , for me is very nice lyric ........
I will work even harder to get change to
compose song for the professional artist
in the coming year .........
THX serene music give me this opportunity ....

Before recording Serene give
us some useful tips before
recording start ......... I learn
damn a lot thing this time

Recording on the way .........
Alan is the singer , He is the
vocalist teacher in Serene music .

Very concentrate and listen Serene
give advice to the singer ........

God Bless Us , hope everything can
gone smooth and finish with a nice
production to every audience !!!!

22 November, 2009

Most viewer comedy in youtube !!!!!!!! Must See

I forgot when I watched this video ,
I remember when I watch it that time ,
I can't stop laughing and this is
the most highest viewer (135,209,705)
in youtube . I think is the highest in all
of youtube .........
comedy ......
Even the two character inside this
video is invited by show for interview...
And there are a lot ppl imitate this video
Now when i check back on youtube ,
wat the hell , there are so many version of
this video ...............

This is original version :

This is the version I most like with
Auto-tune :

Their first TV interviews :

This is other remix version :

PPl imitate this video :

THERE are a lot version on youtube ,
go and check that out !!!!!!!!!
I sure u laugh until die !!!!

20 November, 2009

We are warned !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week went watch this movie with my parents ,
OMG i really like this movie a lot .
We brought the ticket early 3 days for this movie
if not I don think we have seats ......
All the scene really look scary , if really
happened in 2012 , we sure finish on the spot !!
Hopefully is just a movie and it won happen on
that year . God bless us !!!!!!

And I really like the theme song for this movie .......

WE ARE WARNED !!!!!!!!! Come on save our earth peace !!!!

15 November, 2009

For the first time !!!!!!!!!!!!

Since feel like boring today , then I go search
back the first song I arranged for my friend .....
I keep laughing cause the arrangement not really good
for me , even now I can do 100 times better than this version
but for the first time I feel is ok for me .......
Actually this two song , one is for father day and one is
for mother day songs .............
I just try my best for the first for this two song , I arranged
this two song in 2007 when I was 17 years old
. That time I still a damn beginner
man in music but my friend want it so I just try accept it .
If can I will rearrange the song make it better and even
better . Please don laugh when u hear it cause I still beginner
at that time .......... If really good please give comment but
I know won have any comment cause is really suck ......
I do all the recording and arrangement in my room studio
that time .

This father song :

This for mother day :


After 6 years !!!!!!!!!!!

I not realize that my first phone already 6 years ,
u can see the phone still look like new nut
all the button is not really good especially the
joystick button damn SHIT !!!!!!
My first phone is SONY K750i , I brought it around
RM 1400 at that time cause the phone just relesed
and I really like it .....

Finally I change my phone last week ......
This phone is very nice and cheap too .......
Nowadays all people want cheap and good product,
maybe this is the one .....HAHA
This time I change to Nokia 5530 xpressmusic .

I am the person not like to waste many money
if not necessarily like phone ..............
So I hope I can use this phone as long as I can .....

05 November, 2009

"This is it " become our history forever and ever !!!!!!

Just finish watched " This Is It " concert ,
I really like this concert for 101% ...........
If I can watch it live in my life , I sure this is
the best concert I ever watch ...............
BUT BUT BUT ........................ haiz
Even MJ already 50 years old but he still look
good in dance , especially he still can remember
many movement of the dance .............
He just like a god in music , this concert just like his
baby , he is the manager of the concert , he
cue everything , he arrange the music , even the movie
is just a rehearsal but u can saw MJ did it damn nice ......
He sang every song and dance every movement ......
Imagine the real concert should be damn nice ..........
One thing is he really look like zombie , he is damn skinny
and u can see his face very different ............
In this movie besides MJ , still got a person caught my eyes
she is Orianthi Panagaris ( the white color hair girl guitarist ).
I think she is the best female guitarist , she is a singer too .....
She has a damn good guitar skill and a good voice too ....

Anyway I really enjoy the movie , there are no hope for
for me to watch this concert in my life ...................

"THIS IS IT " Michael Jackson is an uncompleted concert
and just become our history moment !!! No one will complete it
God bless U and rest in peace MJ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who haven watch it , go and check this out .........
It only available in 2 weeks times , the movie is really nice editing
and nice sound even is just a rehearsal ..........